Building A Stronger Community
The mission of Youth & Family Services began in 1973 as Thelma J. Gungoll and other concerned citizens saw a need to help disadvantaged youth in our community. The Garfield County jail was the only temporary shelter for many of these youth. In 1974, Youth and Family Services was founded to provide temporary shelter and address the special needs of children affected by abuse, neglect and delinquent behavior. A 21 member volunteer board of directors was established, staff recruited, and services began in a small building on South Grand. Startup funding came from local community donations.
What started out as a shelter has grown to include a partnership with Enid Public Schools, outpatient counseling, diversion court programs, and many other vital programs. YFS operates with nearly 50 staff members and is governed by a volunteer board of directors.
The funding for YFS is provided by private donations, city, county, state and federal grants and contracts, Medicaid, private insurances, United Way, and client fees.